β€˜A Start-up India Recognised Company’

🌟 Life-Defining First 1000 Days! 🌟

The first 1000 days of an infant’s life lay the foundation for the rest of their life. πŸΌπŸ‘Ά Proper nutrition during this stage plays a vital role in foetal programming and determining future health outcomes.

This is especially crucial for preterm babies, who miss out on essential nutrients from the womb during critical development and growth periods. 🧠🧬

Research shows that even brief periods of undernutrition during this sensitive phase can have long-term adverse effects on adult life, including an increased risk of hypertension and insulin resistance. πŸš¨πŸ’”

Early nutrition is key for brain development, and a lack thereof can impact subsequent IQ (intelligence quotient) and verbal IQ by 6-15 IQ points, as per studies. Additionally, it can also lead to cognitive deficits and conditions such as Autism, Cerebral Palsy, and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). πŸ§ πŸ”

Thus, Nutrition is paramount for preterm infants, and the best nutrition comes from their mother’s milk. However, preterm babies have higher nutritional needs, so fortifying mother’s milk with extra calories, proteins, and bioactive factors is essential, such as NiQu HMoFΒ https://neowinnbiotech.com/niqu-hmof/ πŸ’ͺ🍼

However, when mothers milk is not available products designed specifically for preterm babies should be recommend, which promote healthy and safer growth.Β https://neowinnbiotech.com/niqu-advance-pdf/



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Hi, We are the first company to offer Neonatal Nutritional products designed to meet the specific and differentiated needs of preterm and low birth weight babies. Please let me know, how can I help you today?